Toyota Land Cruiser

FJ60, FJ62 and FJ80 1980-1997 of release

Repair and car operation

Toyota Land Cruiser
+ 1. The maintenance instruction
- 2. Maintenance service
   2.1. Additional maintenance service
   2.2. Technical characteristics
   2.3. An arrangement of units in a motor compartment
   2.4. Maintenance service terms
   + 2.5. Check of level of liquids
   2.6. Check of a condition of tyres and pressure in tyres
   2.7. Liquid level in automatic transmission
   2.8. Liquid level in system of a hydrodrive of a steering
   2.9. Oil replacement in the engine and the oil filter
   2.10. Check of a condition and care of the battery
   2.11. Check of system of cooling
   2.12. Check and replacement of hoses in a motor compartment
   2.13. Check and replacement of brushes of a cleaner of a windscreen
   2.14. Shift of wheels
   2.15. Suspension bracket and steering check
   2.16. Exhaust system check
   2.17. Check of level of oil in a manual transmission
   2.18. Check of level of oil in a distributing box
   2.19. Check of level of oil in reducers of bridges
   2.20. Check of a condition of seat belts
   2.21. The thermostat of the air filter (carburettor engines)
   2.22. Check and greasing of the exhaust valve
   2.23. System of catching of steams of gasoline
   2.24. System check recycling
   2.25. Air заслонка the carburettor
   2.26. A zolotnik of system of ventilation картера
   2.27. Check and replacement of the air filter
   2.28. Replacement of spark plugs
   2.29. Check and adjustment of backlashes of valves
   2.30. Idling turns (carburettor engines)
   2.31. Drive belts
   2.32. Check of fuel system
   + 2.33. Check of brakes
   2.34. Check and adjustment of pedals of coupling (brake)
   2.35. Replacement of the fuel filter
   2.36. High-voltage wires, бегунок and distributor covers
   2.37. Check and installation of the moment of ignition
   2.38. Care of cooling system
   2.39. Naves and bearings of forward wheels
   2.40. Liquid replacement in automatic transmission and the filter
   2.41. Oil replacement in a manual transmission
   2.42. Oil replacement in a distributing box
   2.43. Oil replacement in a back (forward) reducer
   2.44. Backlashes in valves on the engine 1FZ-FE
+ 3. Engines
+ 4. Systems of cooling, heating
+ 5. Fuel and exhaust systems
+ 6. System of decrease in toxicity
+ 7. Transmission
+ 8. Brake system
+ 9. Suspension brackets and a steering
+ 10. A body
+ 11. An electric equipment
+ 12. Electroschemes

2.6. Check of a condition of tyres and pressure in tyres

Characteristic kind of drawing of a protector at abnormal deterioration of tyres

1. Insufficient pressure in the tyre
2. Non-uniform deterioration because of infringement of corners of installation of forward wheels
3. The strengthened lateral deterioration of a protector
4. An elevated pressure in tyres
5. Cross-section angular deterioration of a protector (infringement of corners of installation of wheels)


The reasons and ways of elimination:

Check up pressure and restore to the normal.
Balancing infringement, disk deformation – отбалансировать a wheel and to replace a disk.
Deterioration or raised люфт in the pendular lever or in draughts – to repair.
To repair or replace suspension bracket details.

On a condition of tyres it is possible to receive the important information on a suspension bracket and steering condition still before serious damage will be found out.
1. Deterioration of tyres can be checked up by means of the indicator of depth of a protector. In tyres the special bandage which becomes visible at residual depth of a protector of 1,6 mm is built in.
2. Watch drawing of a protector of tyres (fig. the Characteristic kind of drawing of a protector see at abnormal deterioration of tyres). Evident signs of non-uniform deterioration of the protector, specified in pictures, specify in necessity of adjustment of corners of installation or balancing of wheels. At detection of a deviation of deterioration of tyres from the normal it is necessary to hand over the car in car-care centre.
3. Regularly check tyres, watch occurrence of damages to a kind of cuts or swellings, delete the stones which have got stuck in a protector or sharp subjects. If weak pressure decrease in tyres check up tightness of the gate for a rating is observed.
4. If there is a suspicion that the tyre is pierced check up a place of a possible puncture by means of a soap solution. Lift the car of from outside lowered wheel and, turning a wheel, обмыльте its solution. In case of leak formation of bubbles will be observed.
5. Carefully check internal lateral surfaces of tyres, watch occurrence on them of traces подтекания a brake liquid.
6. Periodically check and support pressure in tyres.
7. Pressure is checked on cold tyres. The term "cold" means that 3 hours prior to measurement of pressure the car has made one trip on distance of 1,5 km.
8. Turn away a gate cap (it is located on the tyre or under a wheel cap) and densely press a manometre to the gate. Consider indications of a manometre and compare with standard (it is specified on the tablet of the manufacturer strengthened on a rack of an aperture from outside of the driver). If necessary restore pressure to norm.
9. Have in view of that pressure in a compact spare wheel much more above pressure in regular tyres.